

[アシュワース教授]パート6 フローボリュームカーブ

Part 9 – Flow-Volume Loop
Part9 フローボリュームループ(流量−容量曲線)

The Flow-Volume Loop is possibly the least utilized of all the graphic waveforms discussed so far. Even though the Flow-Volume Loop is frequently a valuable tool in the Pulmonary Function Laboratory, it is not as useful when evaluating critically ill patients.


The Flow-Volume Loop graphs Volume on the X axis and Flow on the Y axis. It is very important to inspect the axis carefully to make sure that you are aware of what is being graphed. In the Pulmonary Function Laboratory, inspiratory flow is generally graphed below the X axis and expiratory flow is graphed above the X axis. However, when evaluating a Flow-Volume Loop on a patient receiving mechanical ventilatory support, inspiratory flow is generally graphed above the X axis and expiratory flow is graphed below the X axis.


The following tracing is an image of a Flow-Volume Loop while the patient is being ventilated in Volume A/C, Tidal Volume 0.5 L, Peak Flowrate 40 LPM, and a Decelerating Flow Waveform. Notice how the flowrate begins at the set 40 LPM, but decelerates throughout inspiration because a decelerating flow waveform was selected. The flowrate continues to decelerate until the set Tidal Volume of 500 mL is delivered. At that point, the exhalation valve opens and the patient is allowed to exhale. The peak expiratory flowrate appears to be approximately 35 LPM.

次に示す波形は量規定A/C、換気量500ml、最高吸気流量 40L/, 漸減波の条件下で換気されている患者のフローボリュームループです。吸気流量は設定された40L/から開始していますが、漸減波が選択されているため吸気後半に向かって減少します。吸気流量は設定一回換気量の500mlに到達するまで低下を続け、到達時点で呼気バルブが開放されて患者は呼気ができるようになります。この例では最高呼気流量はおおよそ35L/です。

 The following tracing is an image of a Flow-Volume Loop while the patient is being ventilated in Volume A/C, Tidal Volume 0.5 L, Peak Flowrate 40 LPM, with a Rectangular (or Square) Flow Waveform. Notice how the flowrate begins at the set 40 LPM and remains at 40 LPM throughout inspiration because a rectangular flow waveform was selected. The flowrate continues at 40 LPM until the set Tidal Volume of 500 mL is delivered. At that point, the exhalation valve opens and the patient is allowed to exhale. The peak expiratory flowrate appears to be approximately 40 LPM.

次に示す波形は量規定A/C、一回換気量500ml、最高吸気流量 40L/分、矩形波の条件下で換気されている患者のフローボリュームループです。矩形波を選択しているため、吸気流量は設定された40L/で開始し吸気相を通して40L/分のまま一定です。吸気流量は設定一回換気量の500mlに到達するまで40L/で維持され、到達時点で呼気バルブが開放されて患者は呼気ができるようになります。この例では最高呼気流量はおおよそ40L/です。

When evaluating a patient in the Pulmonary Function Laboratory using a Flow-Volume Loop, the patient is instructed to exhale all the air possible, and then inhale all the air possible. This maneuver allows us to evaluate the patient for obstructive and/or restrictive disorders. However, it is not practical to require a patient who is receiving mechanical ventilatory support to perform this maneuver.


One possible use of the Flow Volume Loop is to evaluate a patient for a positive response to a bronchodilator. If a patient has a positive response to a bronchodilator, resulting in a decrease in the airway resistance, the peak expiratory flowrate may increase and the level of AutoPEEP may decrease. However, it is possible for the patient to have a positive response to a bronchodilator, resulting in a decreased airway resistance, without detecting an increase in the peak expiratory flowrate. This is because the ventilator patient is not coached to perform a forced vital capacity.


This concludes the discussion of graphics waveforms. The next posts will be an introduction to modes of mechanical ventilation.






  • 設定の値ばかりに目が行ってしまいがちでしたが、患者の具合をしっかり確認して快適さを追求することの大切さを実感しました。
  • 実際に経験することで、何を調整すべきなのかを体験する貴重な機会をいただきました。
  • すばらしい体験学習ありがとうございました。
  • 目からうろこばかりでした。
  • わかりやすくてたいへん良かったです。












[アシュワース教授]パート5 圧−量ループ その5

Options to Correct a PV Loop Revealing “Beaking”

Decrease the Set Inspiratory Time
If your ventilator allows you to set the inspiratory time directly, then decreasing the inspiratory time may reduce the patient-ventilator dys-synchrony.


Increase the Peak Inspiratory Flowrate
Many times an easy option to correct this type of patient-ventilator dys-synchrony is to increase the peak inspiratory flowrate which reduces the inspiratory time on many ventilators. However, increasing the peak flowrate will not decrease inspiratory time on all ventilators, so it is important to understand the specific ventilator you are using.


Change to a Rectangular Flow Waveform
When ventilating a patient in volume-targeted ventilation, it is possible on most ventilators to select a decelerating or a rectangular flow waveform. If a decelerating flow waveform is selected, the flowrate gradually decreases throughout inspiration, resulting in an increased inspiratory time. If the flow waveform is changed to a rectangular flow waveform, the ventilator will deliver the set peak flowrate throughout inspiration, possibly reducing the inspiratory time and reducing the patient-ventilator dys-synchrony.


Reduce an Inspiratory Pause or Plateau or Hold
If an inspiratory pause or plateau or hold has been set, this can be reduced or turned off. This will reduce the inspiratory time on most ventilators, and should reduce the patient-ventilator dys-synchrony.


Decrease the set Tidal Volume
Decreasing the set tidal volume may correct the situation. This is because it will frequently decrease the inspiratory time and because it reduces the chance of over-distension.


Change to a different Ventilator Mode
Another option is to change the mode of ventilation. If the patient is changed to a pressure-targeted mode of ventilation, the patient will now be ventilated at a constant pressure and it is unlikely that “Beaking” will occur. Future posts will address modes of ventilation.


Use of Medications to Improve Patient-Ventilator Synchrony
Medications can be used to improve patient-ventilator synchrony. However, it is important that the patient is not just automatically heavily sedated. Increasing emphasis is being placed on not sedating the patient as much as was done in the past. Instead, appropriate use of pain control and control of anxiety are encouraged.


日本語訳 マクマーン由香(米国呼吸療法士)


[アシュワース教授]パート5 圧−量ループ その4

Pressure-Volume Loop with “Beaking”

As discussed in the previous posts, “Pressure-Volume Loop”, the Pressure-Volume Loop (PV Loop) can be used to detect patient-ventilator dys-synchrony. It is important to monitor patients closely to detect patient-ventilator dys-synchrony because this may lead to ventilator-induced lung injury, increased metabolic rate and may even prolong the number of days the patient receives mechanical ventilation.

これまで述べたように、圧‐量ループ(PV Loop)は患者と人工呼吸器間の非同調を発見するのに使用できます。患者と人工呼吸器の非同調を見つけるためには患者を注意深くモニターすることが重要です。なぜならこの非同調が人工呼吸器誘発性肺損傷、代謝率の増加や人工呼吸器使用日数の長期化を引き起こす可能性があるからです。

When you look at the PV Loop below, you can see that the pressure suddenly increases towards the end of inspiration. This causes an appearance that looks somewhat similar to a bird’s beak, and is, therefore, frequently called “Beaking”.


In the following image, Dr. Ryoma Tanaka adding an artistic touch, helping to illustrate why it is called “Beaking”.



There are two primary causes of “Beaking”. One cause of “Beaking” is that the patient is activating his or her expiratory muscles while the ventilator is still delivering gas in the inspiratory phase. Generally, this indicates that the inspiratory time is too long and should be reduced. This can also be detected by placing your hand on the patient’s abdomen, which will allow you to feel contraction of the expiration muscles while the ventilator is still delivering the breath.

ビーキングを起こす原因は主に二つあります。 一つ目は、吸気相において人工呼吸器がまだ吸気を送り込んでいる最中に、患者が呼気筋を使用して息を吐こうとしている時です。一般的にこれは吸気時間が長すぎ、短縮するべきであることを示しています。患者の腹部に手を当てて、人工呼吸器がまだ吸気を送り込んでいる間に呼気筋群が収縮しているのを感じることでも、これは見つけられます。

The second cause of “Beaking” is that the delivered tidal volume is too high. If the delivered tidal volume is too high, the compliance of the lung and thorax will suddenly decrease at the end of inspiration. This results in a sudden increase in pressure which is displayed on the PV Loop as “Beaking”.


The causes of “Beaking” are the same causes of a Pressure Spike as seen on a Pressure versus Time waveform. This is because both graphic displays represent a sudden increase in pressure at the end of inspiration.


日本語訳 マクマーン由香(米国呼吸療法士)