Part 5 – Pressure-Volume Loop
パート5 圧−量ループ
Pressure-Volume Loop is used to help identify patient-ventilator dys-synchrony
and over-distension, which may be caused by using too large of tidal volume or
excessive PEEP. Some published research has identified patient-ventilator
dys-synchrony in up to 25% of patients receiving ventilatory support.
Patient-ventilator dys-synchrony may increase the patient’s work-of-breathing,
prolong ventilatory support and may increase the chance of ventilator-induced
lung injury. Therefore, it is very important to carefully monitor the
Pressure-Volume Loop to prevent patient-ventilator dys-synchrony.
Normal Pressure-Volume Loop
The following
images are examples of a patient being ventilated in Volume-Targeted
ventilation. The ventilator settings are: Volume A/C; Respiratory Rate
20/minute; Tidal Volume 0.5 L; Peak Flowrate 60 LPM; Square Flow Waveform; PEEP
0 cm H2O. This patient is not making any spontaneous efforts.
次に示す画像は量規定換気で換気されている患者の例です。人工呼吸器の設定は量規定アシストコントロール、呼吸回数20回/分、一回換気量0.5L、最高気道流速60LPM、矩形波、PEEP 0 cm H2Oです。この患者は自発呼吸の努力を全くしていません。
Pressure is
being graphed on the X-axis; Volume is being graphed on the Y-axis. At the
beginning of inspiration, pressure starts at 0 cm H2O because PEEP
is set at 0 cm H2O. As the 500 ml tidal volume is delivered, the
airway pressure increases to approximately 19 cm H2O. The
inspiratory tracing is red because the patient did not initiate the breath.
Expiration is graphed as blue-green on this ventilator.
圧はX軸に示されており、量はY軸に示されています。PEEPが0 cm H2Oに設定されているために、吸気の始まりでは圧は0 cm H2Oになっています。500mlの一回換気量が送られたとき、気道内圧は約19 cm H2Oまで上昇しています。患者が吸気を開始していないために、吸気の軌跡は赤で示されています。この人工呼吸器上では呼気は青で示されています。
![]() |
自発呼吸がないときの圧−量ループ |
In the following
graph, directional arrows were added to the image to demonstrate that
inspiration is graphed going upward and to the right; during expiration, the
tracing goes toward the left and downward.
![]() |
吸気(Inspiration)、呼気(Expiration)を矢印で示しています |
In this graph, lines
were added to demonstrate the peak inspiratory pressure of approximately 19 cm
H2O and the tidal volume of 500 ml.
このグラフでは最高吸気圧が約19 cm H2Oであり、一回換気量が500 mlであることを示すために線を加えています。
![]() |
最高吸気圧19cmH2O、1回換気量500mlであることを示しています |
When you click on the
attached video, it will play a video file of a normal Pressure-Volume Loop. Please
note that the inspiratory tracing is yellow, because the patient is triggering
assisted breaths.
The next two posts about graphics will discuss abnormal Pressure-Volume Loops.
日本語訳 マクマーン由香(米国呼吸療法士)
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