

[アシュワース教授] パート2その2 異常な圧波形

Pressure Spike

When you look at the Pressure versus Time Waveform in the following image, you notice that the tracing for the first two breaths appears normal. However, on breaths three and four, there is a sudden increase in pressure toward the end of inspiration. This is referred to as a Pressure Spike. It represents a sudden increase in pressure at the end of inspiration.


There are two primary causes of a Pressure Spike. One cause of a Pressure Spike is that the patient is activating his or her expiratory muscles while the ventilator is still delivering gas in the inspiratory phase. Generally, this indicates that the inspiratory time is too long and should be reduced. This can also be detected by placing your hand on the patient’s abdomen, which will allow you to feel contraction of the expiration muscles while the ventilator is still delivering the breath.


The second cause of a Pressure Spike is that the delivered tidal volume is too high. If the delivered tidal volume is too high, the compliance of the lung and thorax will suddenly decrease at the end of inspiration. This results in a sudden increase in pressure which is displayed on the graphic waveform as a Pressure Spike.


Sagging Pressure versus Time Waveform

When you look at the following image, you notice that the Pressure versus Time Waveform on the second and third breaths does not demonstrate the expected gradual increase in pressure as discussed earlier. In fact, the waveform actually demonstrates a decrease in pressure or a Sagging appearance in the middle of the breath. This is usually referred to as a Sagging Pressure versus Time Waveform and it means that the patient’s inspiratory effort has exceeded the set flowrate and/or the set tidal volume, resulting in patient-ventilator dys-synchrony.


日本語訳 岩本志津(米国呼吸療法士)









磨田 裕(埼玉医科大学国際医療センター 麻酔科 教授)


讃井將満(東京慈恵医科大学 麻酔科・集中治療部 准教授)


森山 潔(杏林大学医学部 麻酔科学教室 専任講師)


尾崎将之(聖マリアンナ医科大学 救急医学 助教)

藤谷茂樹(聖マリアンナ医科大学 救急医学 准教授 救命救急センター副センター長)


小谷 透(東京女子医科大学 麻酔科学教室・集中治療室 准教授)


古川力丸(日本大学医学部 救急医学系救急集中治療医学分野 医員)


塚原大輔(杏林大学医学部付属病院 集中治療室 主任 集中ケア認定看護師)


日比野 聡(コヴィディエンジャパン株式会社 レスピラトリー事業部 

        クリニカルサポート・事業部マーケティング部 東日本CS課 課長)


高橋由典(杏林大学医学部付属病院 臨床工学室 臨床工学技士)


佐藤敏朗(東京女子医科大学東医療センター ME室主任技師・臨床工学技士・臨床検査技師)


野本宏美(総合病院土浦協同病院 救命救急センターICU 集中ケア認定看護師)


[アシュワース教授] パート2その1 圧波形の見方

Part 2 – Pressure versus Time Waveform
パート2 圧-時間波形

The Pressure versus Time Waveform is used to help identify patient-ventilator dys-synchrony. Some published research has identified patient-ventilator dys-synchrony in up to 25% of patients receiving ventilatory support. Patient-ventilator dys-synchrony may increase the patient’s work-of-breathing, prolong ventilatory support and may increase the chance of ventilator-induced lung injury. Therefore, it is very important to carefully monitor the Pressure versus Time Waveform to prevent patient-ventilator dys-synchrony.


Normal Waveforms

The following image is an example of a patient being ventilated in Volume-Targeted ventilation. The ventilator settings are: Volume A/C; Respiratory Rate 20/minute; Tidal Volume 0.5 L; Peak Flowrate 60 LPM; Square Flow Waveform; PEEP 0 cm H2O. This patient is not making any spontaneous efforts.

 次の画像は容量規定換気で人工呼吸器管理下にある患者の例です。人工呼吸器設定はVolume AC換気回数20/分、一回換気量500ml、最大吸気流速60LPM矩形波、PEEP 0cmH2Oで自発呼吸はありません。

The Flow versus Time Waveform is the second tracing. Notice how the tracing on the graph goes up to the set peak flowrate of 60 LPM, then gradually decreases throughout inspiration because the decelerating ramp flow waveform was selected. When expiration begins, the tracing demonstrates the peak expiratory flowrate of approximately 50 LPM, then the tracing gradually returns back up to baseline at the end of expiration.


The Volume versus Time Waveform is the bottom tracing. It gradually increases to the set tidal volume of 0.5 L, then returns to baseline at the end of expiration.


The Pressure versus Time Waveform is the top tracing. At the beginning of inspiration, the pressure increases rapidly to about 8 cm H2O due to the resistance of the circuit and endotracheal tube. Then, because the Flow versus Time Waveform is decelerating, the flowrate decreases, and the rise in the inspiratory pressure up to 15 cm H2O is not as quick, resulting in a reduction of the slope of the Pressure versus Time Waveform. During exhalation, the tracing returns to baseline, which is 0 cm H2O because no PEEP was selected. The shape of this Pressure versus Time waveform is typically referred to as a tapered or shark-fin waveform, and is a normal Pressure versus Time Waveform when ventilating a patient in Volume-Targeted Ventilation with a decelerating flow waveform.


日本語訳 岩本志津(米国呼吸療法士)


[呼吸器話] 呼気の話再び

今回は人工呼吸管理中の呼気について話します。以前も一度触れましたが、呼気は吸気で膨らんだ肺と胸郭の弾性によって行われます。この動作は患者さんが努力して息を吐こうとしていない限り受動的で、人工呼吸器で直接的に調節できるわけではありません。「どうせ調節できないのなら、くどくど話してもしょうがないじゃないか」と考えるかも知れませんが、調節できないからこそ逆にしっかりモニターする必要があります。人工呼吸管理中の患者さんが息を十分に吐けないと、エアトラッピングAir trappingという重大な問題が起こります。直接的に調節できないと言いましたが、実は間接的に調節する技はあります。詳しくは閉塞性肺疾患の呼吸管理の話のときに説明します。




[アシュワース教授] Lonny Ashworth教授の第1回呼吸ケアレクチャーです

Use of Graphic Analysis during Mechanical Ventilation

This will be Part 1 of a series of posts related to the Use of Graphic Analysis during Mechanical Ventilation. In this series, we will present the following discussions:
Part 1 – Purpose of Graphic Analysis during Mechanical Ventilation
      Types of Waveforms, Axis and Scales
Part 2 – Pressure versus Time Waveform
Part 3 – Flow versus Time Waveform
Part 4 – Volume versus Time Waveform
Part 5 – Pressure-Volume Loop
Part 6 – Flow-Volume Loop

回  人工呼吸管理中のグラフィック分析の目的
回  圧-時間波形
第3回  フロー―時間波形
第4回  量―時間波形
第5回  圧―量ループ
第6回  フロー―量ループ

Part 1 – Purpose of Graphic Analysis during Mechanical Ventilation
1回 人工呼吸管理中のグラフィック分析の目的

Most critical care ventilators provide a graphic display to assist in the management of patients undergoing ventilatory assistance. These displays provide a real-time, ongoing, graphic tracing of the patient’s airway pressure, inspiratory and expiratory flowrates, and the inspiratory and expiratory volumes. If clinicians understand the graphic waveforms and loops displayed and use this in the management of the patient, it will improve patient-ventilator interaction.

 人工呼吸器で補助を受けている患者の管理において、ほとんどの重症ケア用の人工呼吸器はグラフィックを表示できます。グラフィックにより、リアルタイムで継続的に患者の気道内圧、吸気・呼気の波形、吸気量、呼気量を視覚的にモニターできます 。もし、臨床家が人工呼吸器に表示されたグラフィック波形やループを理解し、患者管理のために使用すれば、患者―人工呼吸器の相互作用を改善することになるでしょう。

When ventilating a patient with positive pressure ventilation, it is important to monitor the patient closely to make sure that the patient and ventilator are working in synchrony. This will reduce the patient’s work of breathing, which will reduce the oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production, thereby improving the pH. Future posts in this series will go into more detail related to patient-ventilator synchrony.


Another benefit of using graphic analysis is that the complications of positive pressure ventilation can be reduced. By closely observing the graphic waveforms we are able to determine that the tidal volume is too high, or the expiratory time is too short, or the inspiratory time is too long, and many more related issues. Future posts will provide more detail for each of the waveforms and loops.


Type of Waveforms, Axis and Scales

The most common types of scalar waveforms are: Pressure versus Time Waveforms, Flow versus Time Waveforms, and Volume versus Time Waveforms. The most common types of loops are: Pressure-Volume Loops and Flow-Volume Loops. Each of these waveforms and loops will be discussed in future posts.

Each graphic waveform has an X axis and a Y axis. It is important to know what parameter is being displayed on each axis. All ventilators will display the name of the axis on the waveform.


The scale of each axis must also be identified. Some ventilators automatically scale the waveform to display the complete tracing being monitored, while other ventilators allow the clinician to select the range of values being displayed by changing the scale. Generally, the scale should be set to allow the full waveform to be as large as possible. If the scale is set too high, the waveform will appear very small and the clinician may not be able to identify important variations in the waveform. If the scale is set too low, then the full waveform will not be displayed.


The following image is an example of a correctly set scale for each waveform. Pressure is graphed on the Y axis of the top waveform, Flow is being graphed on the Y axis of the middle waveform, and Volume is being graphed on the Y axis of the bottom waveform. Time is being graphed on the X axis for each of the waveforms.



 The scale for each waveform is appropriately set. The full waveform can be displayed, allowing the clinician to identify specific clinical situations. The Y axis on the Pressure versus Time waveform displays a maximum of 20 cm H2O. Since the patient’s peak inspiratory pressure is only 15 cm H2O, this is an appropriately set scale. The Y axis on the Flow versus Time waveform displays a maximum of 80 L/min. Since the patient’s peak flowrate is 60 L/min, this is an appropriately set scale. The Y axis on the Volume versus Time waveform displays a maximum of 750 mL. Since the patient’s tidal volume is 500 mL, this is an appropriately set scale. The X axis scale is set for 12 seconds. Because the patient’s respiratory rate is 20/minute, this allows four breaths to be displayed on the screen.


The following image is an example of setting the scale too large for each of the three waveforms being displayed. If the scale is too large, the displayed waveforms will be so small it is difficult to identify subtle changes that may be clinically important. 


The following image is an example of setting the scale too low. Because the scale is too low, the full waveform cannot be displayed, which limits the clinical usefulness of this waveform.



Next week the clinical use of the Pressure versus Time waveform will be discussed.


日本語訳 マクマーン由香(米国呼吸療法士)