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[アシュワース教授]人工呼吸器のモード VCVその2

Effect of Changes in Compliance and Resistance


During volume targeted ventilation, the peak inspiratory flowrate and tidal volume remain constant as compliance or resistance change. However, the peak inspiratory pressure and the plateau pressure will change with changes in the compliance and airway resistance. If the compliance decreases, the peak inspiratory pressure and the plateau pressure will increase. If the airway resistance increases, the peak inspiratory pressure will increase but the plateau pressure will generally not change. If the compliance increases the peak inspiratory pressure and the plateau pressure will decrease. If the airway resistance decreases, the peak inspiratory pressure will decrease, but the plateau pressure will generally not change. In most situations, if the patient’s inspiratory effort increases, the tidal volume will remain constant, but the peak pressure will decrease, and if the patient’s inspiratory effort decreases, the tidal volume will remain constant and the peak pressure will increase. It is important to monitor the patient carefully to limit the patient-ventilator dys-synchrony.




The primary advantage of volume targeted ventilation is that the tidal volume is controlled. If the clinician sets the tidal volume, it should remain constant at that level. This is one method of controlling the incidence of volutrauma. In addition, this volume targeted ventilation allows the patient to be ventilated at a specific tidal volume which may be important when trying to ventilate the patient with a low-volume, lung-protective strategy.




One disadvantage of volume targeted ventilation is that the airway pressure is not controlled. As mentioned above, as the compliance decreases, the plateau pressure increases. The current, accepted believe is that it is important to keep the plateau pressure less than 30 cm H2O. This requires careful monitoring of the patient to keep the alveolar pressure at an acceptable level.
Another possible disadvantage of volume targeted ventilation is related to the patient’s inspiratory effort. If the patient’s inspiratory effort changes, the chance of patient-ventilator dys-synchrony increases. This is because in volume targeted ventilation, the peak flowrate, flow waveform and tidal volume are set; if the patient’s inspiratory effort changes, it is important to make the necessary changes in the peak inspiratory flowrate, flow waveform or tidal volume to improve patient-ventilator synchrony.


Options Available on Some Ventilators


It is important to understand the ventilator you are using to ventilate your patient because it may have options that affect the delivery of the set tidal volume. For example, if demand breaths (or demand flow) are available during Volume A/C, the patient may actually receive a much larger tidal volume than is set, if the patient actively inhales. Another example, is that the ventilator may appear to be in Volume A/C, but actually the ventilator may be in PRVC A/C.

 人工呼吸器には、設定一回換気量を供給するのに影響を与えるオプション機能が存在することがあるため、病院で使用している人工呼吸器を理解することが重要となります。たとえば、Volume A/C(アシストコントロール)モードにデマンドフローがついている場合、患者が吸気努力をすると設定よりも大きい一回換気量で換気されることがあります。また、Volume A/Cで換気されているように見えて、実際はPRVC A/Cであるということもあります。

The next post will discuss adaptive pressure control ventilation; Pressure Regulated Volume Control (PRVC) is an example of adaptive pressure control.


         原文:Lonny Ashworth教授


[アシュワース教授]人工呼吸器のモード VCVその1

Volume Targeted Ventilation


In volume targeted ventilation, flow or volume is the control variable. This means that the clinician must set the peak flowrate, the inspiratory flow waveform and the tidal volume. The ventilator is designed to deliver the set tidal volume as the patient’s airway resistance, compliance or inspiratory effort change.


Tidal Volume


During Volume Targeted Ventilation, the clinician sets the tidal volume. It is important to make sure that the tidal volume selected does not increase the chance of Ventilator Induced Lung Injury, and that the tidal volume is appropriate for the patient’s predicted body weight and disease state. The initial tidal volume is usually 8 – 10 mL per kilogram of the patient’s predicted body weight. However, for patients with a low compliance, and especially for patients diagnosed with ARDS, the tidal volume may be as low as 4 – 6 mL per kilogram of the patient’s predicted body weight.


Flow Waveform


At the beginning of inspiration, the ventilator will deliver the set peak flowrate. If a rectangular flow waveform is selected by the clinician, the flowrate will remain constant at the set peak flowrate until the tidal volume is delivered, at which time inspiration will end and expiration will begin. A rectangular flow waveform may be useful if the patient’s inspiratory time is short or if the patient needs a prolonged expiratory time. For example, if a patient has AutoPEEP, it may be useful to reduce the inspiratory time by using a rectangular flow waveform, which increases the expiratory time and may help to reduce the AutoPEEP.

 人工呼吸器は吸気の開始時に設定された最高吸気流量を供給します。矩形波を選択した場合、設定した一回換気量に到達するまで最高吸気流量は設定した値のまま一定に維持されます。そして吸気が終了すると呼気へ移行します。矩形波が適しているのは患者自身の吸気時間が短い場合や、呼気時間が通常より長く必要な患者の場合です。Auto PEEPのある患者では、矩形波を選択することで吸気時間を短くして呼気時間を長くとることでAuto PEEPを減らせることがあります。


If a decelerating flow versus time waveform is selected, the ventilator will gradually reduce the flowrate to a default level; inspiration will end when the tidal volume has been delivered. On most ventilators, because the average flowrate is lower when using the decelerating flow waveform, the inspiratory time is increased. This will generally decrease the expiratory time and may increase the chance of AutoPEEP. Because the flow decelerates when using a decelerating flow waveform, the gas flow is less turbulent, resulting in a better distribution of ventilation. In addition, because the inspiratory time is increased, the mean airway pressure is usually increased as well. This may cause problems with the patient’s blood pressure, especially if the patient is hypovolemic or has a poorly functioning left ventricle.

 漸減波を選択した場合、吸気流量はデフォルトレベルに達するまで徐々に低下し、設定された一回換気量に到達した時点で吸気が終了します。ほとんどの人工呼吸器では、漸減波の方が矩形波よりも平均吸気流量が低いため、吸気時間は長くなります。このため呼気時間は短くなり、Auto PEEPが起こる危険性が増します。漸減波では吸気流量は低くなるため、乱流が少なくなり換気分布が改善します。また吸気時間が長くなるため平均気道内圧は上昇しますが、これにより低血圧をひき起こす可能性があります。低血圧は特に循環血液量が少ない患者や、左室機能が不足している患者で起こりやすくなります。


Peak Flowrate


The peak flowrate is usually set between 40 – 70 LPM. On most ventilators, as you increase the peak flowrate, the inspiratory time decreases. It is important to make sure that the peak flowrate and flow waveform meet the patient’s inspiratory needs. Generally, the peak flowrate should be increased when using a decelerating flow waveform.


Inspiratory Pause


On many ventilators an inspiratory pause, also called inspiratory hold or inspiratory plateau, can be set. When an inspiratory pause is selected, the ventilator will deliver the selected peak flowrate, flow waveform and tidal volume; however, the ventilator will keep the expiration valve closed for the amount of time the inspiratory pause was set, resulting in a breath hold. An inspiratory pause will increase the mean airway pressure and is likely to result in patient-ventilator dys-synchrony. Currently, an inspiratory pause is rarely used, expect when measuring the plateau pressure.




        原文:Lonny Ashworth教授