

[アシュワース教授]パート5 圧−量ループ その3


Increase the Peak Inspiratory Flowrate
Many times an easy option to correct this type of patient-ventilator dys-synchrony is to increase the peak inspiratory flowrate so that the set flowrate now meets the patient’s demand. It is important to understand the ventilator to make sure that increasing the peak flowrate does not alter the tidal volume.


Change to a Rectangular Flow Waveform
When ventilating a patient in volume-targeted ventilation, it is possible on most ventilators to select a decelerating or a rectangular flow waveform. If a decelerating flow waveform is selected, the flowrate gradually decreases throughout inspiration. In some patients, this reduction in flowrate may decrease below the patient’s actual inspiratory flowrate, resulting in patient-ventilator dys-synchrony and the Figure on the PV Loop. If the flow waveform is changed to a rectangular flow waveform, the ventilator will deliver the set peak flowrate throughout inspiration, possibly reducing the patient-ventilator dys-synchrony.


Increase the set Tidal Volume
Increasing the set tidal volume may correct the situation. However, it is very important to make sure that the tidal volume is not too high as it may increase the chance of ventilator-induced lung injury.

設定1回換気量を増加させることで解決できることがあります。しかし、1回換気量を高くしすぎることで、人工呼吸器による肺損傷(ventilator-induced lung injury:VILI)の危険性を高めることのないよう確認することが重要です。

Change to a different Ventilator Mode
Another option is to change the mode of ventilation. If the patient is changed to a pressure-targeted mode of ventilation, the patient will now have control over the inspiratory flowrate. This generally results in an improved patient-ventilator synchrony.


Use of Medications to Improve Patient-Ventilator Synchrony
Medications can be used to improve patient-ventilator synchrony. However, it is important that the patient is not just automatically heavily sedated. Increasing emphasis is being placed on not sedating the patient as much as was done in the past. Instead, appropriate use of pain control and control of anxiety are encouraged. 


The next post will discuss “beaking” in a PV Loop that may be caused by over-distension or by a patient activating his expiratory muscles while the ventilator is still delivering a breath.


日本語訳 岩本志津(米国呼吸療法士)

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